Amazing Nagaland the Scotland of India
Nagaland: Scotland of India

Amazing Nagaland the Scotland of India

Nagaland is Scotland of India!
We often get attracted to mesmerizing landscapes, mighty and lush green mountains, swift
waterfalls, and savage wildlife.

We can just switch on our televisions and watch these things but
it’s nothing compared to experiencing it ourselves. In this article, we’re gonna talk about two
such beautiful landscapes and how they’re related to each other.

Why Nagaland is Scotland of India?

Nagaland, also known as the land of the Nagas, is inhabited by sixteen tribes.
It is culturally rich with as many as sixteen tribes that call Nagaland it’s home.
It is also one of the most colorful states in India. Nagaland: Scotland of India. Nagaland: Scotland of India.

Nagaland is also known as the Scotland of India . It’s a land of immense natural beauty with
profusion of beautiful and breathtaking places. Nagaland: Scotland of India
The place Nagaland has a lot of similarities with Scotland because of which we sometime say
Nagaland as the Scotland of India too. Nagaland: Scotland of India

Nagaland is Scotland of India
Nagaland is Scotland of India

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The main similarity which we can take into point is the beautiful landscape of the place. While
seeing the pictures of Nagaland and Scotland, people often get confused between both of them.
Nagaland’s landscape is beautified with sky soaring hills present with lush greenery. The
mesmerizing beauty of the place makes it look like a paradise.

The second reason why we call Nagaland as the Scotland of India is that the highlands of
Scotland and the hills of Nagaland are beautifully covered with waterfalls specially in the
monsoon season.

When we come to the flora and fauna part of both the places they are also very similar to
each other.

The next reason which is taken into consideration is the cultural part which is very similar
between the two places.

Nagaland distinguishes itself from a vibrant, diverse culture. It’s fascinating to watch the tribe’s
presentations of folk music because they take great delight in them, just like the Scots do. You
can participate in the show and go along with it with them too.

Another reason which we can find similar is the beautiful roads amidst the valleys is
made basically for the ideal road trip you’ve been fantasizing about.

Even Nagaland’s and Scotland’s lakes are very similar to one another.
Nagaland and Scotland both have lakes that are ringed by rolling hills and roaring waterfalls.
You can take a few minutes to relax or take a boat out on the lake to fully enjoy this special

Put your camera down for a bit and simply take in the magic happening in front of your eyes.
Nagaland’s rich cultural heritage, breathtaking scenic beauty, and wildlife have attracted
travelers from time immemorial and the same happen with Scotland.

One of the last nations in Asia which has not adopted the contemporary Western way of life is
There is no proper internet and no phone service in that area.
There are still tribes who are technically at war with each other, some of the tribes still have a
king, and the locals still have to pay a local tax to the king, which normally consists of a dead

It can be justified from the above points why Nagaland is also called.

One of the last nations in Asia which have not adopted the contemporary Western way of life is
There is no proper internet and no phone service in that area.
There are still tribes who are technically at war with each other, some of the tribes still have a
king, and the locals still have to pay a local tax to the king, which normally consists of a dead

It can be justified from the above points why Nagaland is Scotland of India.

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